Ancient Egypt
An Introduction
Pyramids of Egypt
"Beautiful Festival of the Valley"
The Mystery of Cleopatra's Death
Photo Gallery
Duties of Gods and Goddesses
Gods and Goddesses Family Tree
The Process of Mummification
Egyptian Writing
Craft Workers
Egyptians' Theory of the Creation of the Earth
My Own Work
King Tutankhamun
Egyptian Menu
Ancient Egyptian Fun

A word list of all of the bolded words on my website.
*Thanks to Google ( for helping with the words I wasn't able to find proper definitions for*

Afterlife: an existence after life, or to have life after death.


Book of the Dead: a book of spells which were buried with mummies to guide them through the dangerous obstacles of the underworld.


Canopic Jar: jar used to hold and preserve and internal organ.


Egyptologist: someone who studies ancient Egyptian antiques.  


Embalmed: treating a dead body with preservatives to keep it looking lifelike.


Floodplain: a level of land that is built up by stream deposition.


Kingdom: a country or domain that is ruled by a king.


Linen: a woven fabric made of flax (plant) fibres. 


Papyrus paper

Natron: natural salt used in the mummification process that dries out dead bodies and their internal organs.


New Kingdom: term to describe the period in Egypt from 1550 B.C. -1070 B.C.


Papyrus: paper made of papyrus reeds (very delicate) that Egyptians used to write on.


Pectoral: a decoration or ornament worn on the chest.


Pharaoh: term we use today to describe the ruler of ancient Egypt. It is a Greek word that is from an Egyptian word that meant great house.


Pyramid: a cone-shaped building that Egyptians built for their king.


Red Crown: crown worn by the pharaoh of Lower Egypt that has a coil in the front.


Resin: a sticky, thick fluid that is produced by trees and plants.


Sarcophagus: large box made of stone or wood that coffins are placed in.


Sphinx: the statue with the head of a man and the body of a lion.


Temple: building in which a god/gods are worshipped.


Tomb: a place in which a corpse is buried.


Weight Arm: was used to transport blocks and made out of heavy timber. It had a central post and one short arm and one long arm.


White Crown: crown worn by the pharaoh of Upper Egypt that is tall and rounded with a small bump on the top.